
Unissons-nous pour le changement
Pétition pour le progrès

Agissez sur les questions environnementales
qui vous tiennent à cœur et suscitez des changements au sein de votre
communauté et dans le monde.


Unissons-nous pour le changement
Pétition pour le progrès

Agissez sur les questions environnementales
qui vous tiennent à cœur et suscitez des changements au sein de votre
communauté et dans le monde.

Que se passe-t-il sur



Illegal sand harvesting in Kisauni is killing our people, devastating the environment, and posing severe health and safety risks to our community. In recent months, quarry collapses in Katani and Junda have caused multiple deaths. This destructive practice has resulted in flash floods, landslides, and the degradation of the local ecosystem, leaving affected families vulnerable. We demand Mr. Hamid Shekhan to: • Enforce an immediate ban on illegal sand harvesting in Kisauni and across Mombasa. • Revoke all existing licences issued to sand miners operating illegally. • Increase licence fees for authorised companies and groups involved in sand mining to ensure only regulated and responsible operations are allowed. The government needs to focus on community-led development projects that can offer alternative income streams for the local community and provide sustainable livelihoods. Such as: revival of abandoned fish ponds, establishing tree nurseries that encourage reforestation and biodiversity restoration, beekeeping projects and reed basked weaving initiatives that use locally available resources. These projects can empower residents while protecting the environment.

233 SignaturesGoal: 300
SA GOVT: STOP Animal Cruelty!

SA GOVT: STOP Anima...

We are facing an urgent animal welfare crisis in South Africa. Animals both domestic and wild are being abused, neglected, abandoned and even murdered at alarming rates. Many pet owners lack the education and understanding needed to care for their animals properly, leading to severe cases of neglect and abuse. Our animal rescue centres and SPCAs are overwhelmed and underfunded, struggling to cope with the increasing number of animals in desperate need of care. Current laws fail to protect animals effectively, and enforcement is weak. We are calling on you, Dr. Dion George, to take immediate and decisive action to protect our animals and improve their welfare. We demand you to:  • Implement harsher fines and longer imprisonment for individuals found guilty of animal abuse or neglect. • Reinstate compulsory pet licensing to track and monitor pet ownership. • Ban backyard breeding operations and impose stricter regulations on breeders, including mandatory inspections and proper licensing for those breeding animals. • Introduce nationwide sterilisation and vaccination programmes at affordable rates to control animal population and prevent the spread of deadly diseases. • Ban the sale of exotic animals. • Launch public education campaigns to teach responsible pet ownership, animal welfare laws and breed-specific care to prevent further abuse. • Increase funding and resources for SPCAs and animal rescue centres, ensuring they have the necessary equipment and manpower to continue their essential work. • Ban the unregulated sale of animals in informal markets.

686 SignaturesGoal: 800
De-COAL-onise Tendele!

De-COAL-onise Tendele!

Zululand, home to the proud Zulu nation, rich traditions, historical artefacts, and the Hluhluwe Imfolozi game park, attracts tourists and historians. However, this idyllic image is marred by the brutal reality of exploitation. Rich history and natural beauty are bulldozed for profit, displacing communities, increasing crime, and causing fear. The Tendele (Somkhele) Coal Mine, replacing the mighty kings, leaves death and destruction, with sickly communities, school dropouts, and violence against those protecting their cultural lands. Tendele (Somkhele) has been bullying the Zulu Kingdom for decades, it’s time to tell the Coal-onisers at Tendele, “Hamba- leave Zululand alone”.

3,537 SignaturesGoal: 4,000

Say NO to Corobrik ...

Critically endangered eco system and wildlife sanctuary, Rietvlei Nature Reserve, soon to be in environmental distress. Rietvlei Nature Reserve in Pretoria, Gauteng, has been a conservation area since 1929 and provides city dwellers the opportunity to experience nature as well as provide 15% of Pretoria’s water. The reserve enables people to view and appreciate animals in a natural habitat, without spending a large amount of money or traveling far from the city. The City of Tshwane owned reserve can be seen as an abundance of the plant and animal kingdom, offering protection of water systems, vegetation, animals, and birds. The reserve hosts several of species listed at CITES Appendix 1 (threatened with extinction) such as the white rhino, cheetah and leopard, not forgetting the smaller Endangered creatures like the Ground hedgehog.

3,415 SignaturesGoal: 4,000


Yala Swamp which is the lifeline for Yimbo and Alego communities is about to be allocated to an investor for 66 years. The County Government of Siaya has asked the National Land Commission (NLC) and they have approved. We have gone to the Environment and Land Court to challenge the NLC decision, but the court has turned us away because of lack of authority in law to reverse NLC decisions. We are frustrated because going to court is very costly. President William Ruto proved to know about the matter during his campaigns. The government should therefore provide a long lasting solution to rescue the vulnerable communities from the threats directed to their land rights. Yala Swamp was reclaimed in 1970 and earmarked for organised resettlement of Yimbo and Alego communities who were displaced by flooding. In 2006, a phase 2 was reclaimed and earmarked for agriculture. The people of Yala Swamp are currently residing in non-arable areas that have failed to produce food even during the long rainy seasons of the year. The whole of Siaya County and it's environs have been relying on food items strenuously produced by people who have been disenfranchised and made hopeless each and every year. In this tough times and economic meltdown Kenya is facing, our country can only thrive if farming communities are committed to adequate food production, adopting commercialization in agriculture, and promoting value chain actors in every segment to create opportunities for the jobless. We can use these existing community lands to create havens for sustainable agriculture. Additionally, youth and women who own less than 10% of our lands can be mobilised into community entities and assisted to register portions of community and public lands for economic benefits.

214 SignaturesGoal: 300
Unfulfilled promises endanger hundreds of lives with E. Coli

Unfulfilled promise...

October 2020, after a severe oil spill from the highly polluted Umbilo River, the then M.E.C. for KZN Social Development, Tourism and the Environment, Mrs Nomusa Dube-Ncube, issued a stern warning to the Mayor of the eThekwini region following many independent, and provincial government department testing of the Umbilo River in which all tests came back with dangerously high E. Coli levels. The M.E.C. claimed that she and her team had been dealing with the situation aggressively and had contacted the Mayor personally to remedy the situation as urgent action was needed in this dire situation. M.E.C. Nomusa Dube-Ncube stated in public that should the eThekwini mayor fail in rectifying this severe matter, legal action will be taken against the Mayor; In terms section of the safety and health regulations that would go to the full extent and would even file criminal charges as her department, KZN Social Development, Tourism and the Environment following the law. Shortly after that (Nov 2020), M.E.C. Nomusa Dube-Ncube replaced M.E.C. Ravi Pillay as M.E.C. of Finance Kzn, and MEC Ravi Pillay was the new M.E.C. for Social Development, Tourism and the Environment. Now under a functional government that had the best interest of their constituents or communities at heart or at least made them a priority, the KZN Social Development, Tourism and the Environment department would ensure that if they couldn't fulfil their promised mandate, the next M.E.C. would and the new M.E.C. would hold the eThekwini Mayor and the various departments accountable to the instructions and 'warnings' given by M.E.C. Nomusa Dube-Ncube. It's pretty evident that the KZN Social Development, Tourism and the Environment department failed or didn't bother to follow an instruction, let alone "the law to the T", as claimed by the then M.E.C. Nomusa Dube-Ncube. The failure of the KZN Social Development, Tourism and the Environment department and the eThekwini Mayor to fulfil his obligations and promise to remedy the state of our rivers and the high E. Coli or due to sheer lack of will or dereliction of duties has created a Humanitarian disaster which has ultimately led to the death of Durban mother, Rashnie Baijanath, and has left the residents of Mariannhill and Birchwood sick and suffering from diarrhoea. The KZN Social Development, Tourism and the Environment department, as well as the Mayor of Durban, have failed their legal mandate or have failed to ensure their legal order was executed; furthermore, the eThekwini mayor, local government and the KZN Social Development, Tourism and the Environment department have failed in their duty to ensure a safe environment as is provided for in Section 24 of the constitution of South Africa 'Everyone has the right to a healthy environment, and also the right to have the environment protected from pollution and ecological degradation. An environment where lives are lost due to high ecoli is not a safe environment. Section 19 and 20 of the Water Act have also been contravened as no warnings were in place to alert residents of Marianhill and Birchwood of the looming disaster, and the KZN Social Development, Tourism and the Environment, as well as the Mayor, have also contravened Section 28 and 30 of NEMA. Whilst it is true that in April 2022, Durban had severe flooding and several pump stations were damaged, this can not be used to mitigate their responsibility for the high E. coli levels; we must remind you that high E.coli levels have been present in our river systems and water sources for the past few years as acknowledged by the then M.E.C. for KZN Social Development, Tourism and the Environment department, Nomusa Dube-Ncube, in October 2020 and also in April 2020 in a Greenpeace Africa (Durban local group) petition calling for the Umbilo river pollution and high E. Coli levels to be addressed to urgently. Dereliction of duty, inept governance, or lack of will to fulfil a promised mandate is killing us. We demand our fundamental human right as stated in Section 24 of the Constitution of South Africa, "That everyone has a right to a healthy environment, and also the right to have the environment protected from pollution and ecological degradation"!!!! ° We want both local and provincial government to acknowledge their given mandate and act on it. ° We want clean drinking water, not water that could kill us. ° We like clean, healthy river systems that sustain all life. ° We want sewerage pump stations to be repaired or replaced urgently.

8,000 SignaturesGoal: 9,000
Réaménagement de la chaussée à soa

Réaménagement de la...

Soa est une ville de 326 kilomètres, située dans le département de la Mefou et Afamba au Cameroun, avec une population évaluée à peu près à 70 000 habitants. Depuis 1993, cette ville abrite l’une des huit universités d’Etat camerounaise. Et donc la ville s’est rapidement transformée en ville universitaires, avec des mini- sites qui accueillent une bonne partie des 45 000 étudiants que l'université doit former chaque année. Dans cette même ville au lieu dit ``entrée Sous-préfet'', les étudiants font face à un réel danger lié à la mauvaise gestion des ordures ménagères. En effet, cet endroit est devenu un dépotoir pour les ménages environnants. De plus, l’engin de l’entreprise chargée de collecte et du transport des déchets H.Y.S.A.C.A.M (Hygiène et Salubrité du Cameroun) creuse, involontairement cet endroit et la situation se détériore de fil en aiguille. ce qui rend la situation encore plus difficile pour les habitants du quartier, dont les étudiants. Monsieur le maire, si des mesures urgentes et drastiques ne sont pas prises, la ville de Soa risque d'enregistrer des accidents, ce qui pourrait entraîner des blessés graves, des pertes de biens et pire encore, des pertes en vie humaine. Non, Monsieur le Maire, nous n’allons pas laisser des ordures aller jusqu'à ôter la vie aux étudiants… Monsieur le maire, je suis étudiante, et je sais combien l’environnement peut influencer sur mon rendement à l'école. Le Cameroun mise sur la jeunesse, fer de lance de la nation pour se développer demain, mais cette jeunesse a besoin de grandir dans un environnement sain, or le cadre qui leur est offert pour l’instant ne l’est pas, non, il est juste TOXIQUE. Je sais que vous avez du souci pour le Cameroun et vous ne souhaitez pas qu’il soit dirigé demain par des personnes malades, car elles auront contracté des maladies respiratoires à cause du dépotoir dans lequel elles sont obligées de vivre maintenant, le temps d'obtenir une licence et trouver un travail. Nous voulons nous battre pour le Cameroun mais dans un environnement sain. Nous demandons le réaménagement de la chaussée à Soa.Nous demandons également que des mesures soient prises par vous pour empêcher aux populations de déverser les ordures sur la route. Il faut agir maintenant pour éviter le pire, et vous pouvez le faire, car le pouvoir est entre vos mains.

236 SignaturesGoal: 300
Kya Sands Burning Wasteland

Kya Sands Burning W...

We request that Pikitup conducts a site visit as a matter of urgency to assess the situation and put measures in place to resolve the matter. Pikitup must undertake to identify affected stakeholders, such as law enforcement, community-based forums, and government agencies. The proposed course of action is as follows: 1.Repair of the broken parameter wall 2.Request the JMPD and SAPS to enforce the closure of the facility's entrance. 3.Provide full-time security on-site. 4.Cleaning and clearing the site by removing waste. We hope you find this in order. The Kya Sands Burning Wasteland Community Forum

829 SignaturesGoal: 1,000
STOP the ECOCIDE of the uMbilo River

STOP the ECOCIDE of...

On behalf of: The Durban Greenpeace Volunteers, the Umbilo River Watch community group, and concerned citizens who have added their signatures OUR DEMANDS - Management plan of the river system with: monthly water sampling at multiple locations (point sources) along the course of the river to determine exactly which industries are responsible for the pollution & contamination. comprehensive test for all types of industrial effluents & sewage waste - Management reports to be made public - Implementation of the National Eutrophication Monitoring Programme which assesses trophic status, risks and trends of single impoundments, river reaches or canals. - Implementation of the National Water and Sanitation Master Plan (NWSMP) in accordance to the action proposed by the NWSMP(1.4.8) to “identify and prosecute polluters across the country (including municipalities), with a national communication campaign to accompany the action inclusive of reviving the "Blue Scorpions" in dealing with river system transgressions - Implementation of the River Eco-status Monitoring Programme (REMP) - Monitor compliance with water-use licences

9,419 SignaturesGoal: 10,000

Les pétitions qui ont secoué le monde de la
défense de l'environnement

Cinq pétitions Vuma qui ont secoué le monde de la défense de l’environnement

Dans un monde où le pouvoir de mobilisation numérique est plus puissant que jamais, les pétitions sont devenues une force avec laquelle il faut compter. Qu’il s’agisse de sensibiliser ou de susciter des changements politiques, elles ont prouvé à maintes reprises que les voix collectives peuvent façonner l’avenir. Mais qu’est-ce qui rend vraiment une pétition emblématique ? Ce n’est pas seulement le nombre de signatures qu’elle recueille, mais la façon dont elle touche le cœur et l’esprit des gens, les unissant autour d’une cause qui exige une action.

SurVuma.Earth nous avons été témoins de pétitions qui ont non seulement mobilisé des communautés, mais aussi suscité des discussions mondiales sur des problèmes environnementaux urgents. Ces pétitions ont ébranlé les fondements mêmes de notre approche de la défense de l’environnement, mettant au défi les entreprises, les gouvernements et même la société dans son ensemble de repenser leur approche du développement durable.

Voici un aperçu de cinq pétitions qui ont laissé une marque indélébile dans le monde de la défense de l’environnement. Ces pétitions ne visaient pas seulement à changer les mentalités ; elles ont déclenché des mouvements, inspiré des actions et prouvé que lorsque les gens se rassemblent, ils peuvent changer le monde.

Victoire pour le Cap occidental : arrêt des explosions sismiques

Lancée par Gilbert Martin, cette pétition a rassemblé des milliers de Sud-Africains pour s’opposer aux projets de la multinationale australienne Searcher Seismic de lancer des explosions sismiques le long de la côte du Cap-Occidental.

STOP à l’ÉCOCIDE de la rivière uMbilo

Menée par Delwyn Pillay au nom des volontaires de Greenpeace Durban et du groupe communautaire Umbilo River Watch, cette campagne exigeait des mesures décisives pour lutter contre la pollution dévastatrice de la rivière uMbilo.

Lutte contre la bactérie E. Coli : les promesses non tenues mettent des vies en danger

En réponse aux niveaux dangereusement élevés d’E. Coli dans la rivière Umbilo de Durban et dans les systèmes d’eau voisins, Desiree Laverne a lancé une pétition demandant des comptes aux autorités locales et provinciales.

Touchons pas à nos forêts ! Ne levons pas l’interdiction d’exploitation forestière au Kenya

Cette campagne, initiée par Tracy Makheti, visait à empêcher le gouvernement kenyan de lever l’interdiction de six ans d’exploitation forestière dans les forêts publiques et communautaires, une décision entrée en vigueur en juillet 2023.

Défendre Rietvlei : Non à l’exploitation du charbon de Corobrik

Cette campagne, menée par Jean-Marie De Vos Mentz, visait à empêcher la demande de Corobrik d’exploiter une mine de charbon dans la réserve naturelle de Rietvlei, un écosystème en danger critique d’extinction à Pretoria, dans le Gauteng.

Se connecter à des groupes locaux

Collaborez avec des acteurs du changement passionnés au sein de votre communauté. Rejoignez des groupes locaux pour partager et échanger des idées, créer des campagnes efficaces et organiser ensemble des événements en ligne ou hors ligne pour susciter des changements significatifs.

769 Membres

Groupe local
du Kenya

Il s'agit d'un forum destiné à réunir les militants écologistes du Kenya. Le groupe servira de forum pour discuter des activités locales afin de faciliter la communication et d'accroître la sensibilisation.

769 Membres

Groupe local de
la RDC

Il s'agit d'un forum destiné à réunir les militants environnementaux de la RDC. Le groupe sera un forum de discussion sur les activités locales pour faciliter la communication et accroître la portée.

769 Membres

Groupe local de
la RDC
