• Stop Ecocide
    - Our objective is to assess and understand the social landscape essential to creating a larger social movement that will bring about large-scale changes needed to achieve our restoration goals. All of these are the result of bad governance that makes it had to assess the relevant institutional policy and legal framework and identify financial and technical resources to proctect forests and river ecosystems. - Our climate is deteriorating, and deforestation is happening daily due to government inaction.and this has serious ramifications to the improverished community. Sources: Stop Ecocide International >>> https://www.stopecocide.earth/new-breaking-news-summary/un-ocean-conference-co-host-kenya-announces-proposal-to-criminalise-ecocide Image >>> https://www.voanews.com/a/africa_kenyans-join-climate-change-protests/6176168.html
    165 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Antony njugi Muikamba Picture
  • Unfulfilled promises endanger hundreds of lives with E. Coli
    Rivers provide water for irrigation, domestic use, industrial use, livestock and wildlife, among other services; without water, there is no life. Clean river water is critical for our survival, sustenance, and a small economy-generating source, especially in South Africa, where job scarcity is a reality. Many informal traders or fisherfolk use our rivers to generate an income by either fishing, watering community vegetable gardens, stone washing or basket weaving from reeds etc. Rivers or dams are also used for recreational purposes and tourism attractions. Over the past two decades, our government has failed to maintain basic infrastructure or apply fundamental bylaws to ensure our freshwater sources remain clean and free from pollution and sewerage. If we don't demand that our government make access to clean water a priority, a fundamental human right, which basic human right will be the next to be degraded, or we also become another death statistic caused by E. Coli infested drinking water??.. Thank you for your support, On behalf of GPAF Durban Volunteers. Sources: MSN >>> https://www.msn.com/en-za/news/other/durban-mother-dead-scores-sick-with-diarrhoea-as-polluted-tap-water-confirmed/ar-AA10UoZM?ocid=Huawei&appid=hwbrowser&ctype=news Daily Maverick >>> https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2022-08-22-durbans-r20bn-water-troubles-get-deeper-and-deeper-and-theres-no-easy-solution-in-sight/
    7,999 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Desiree Laverne
  • Without water there is no life.Clean Water Now!
    Water is a fundamental human right; affected Eastern Cape residents want their water restored permanently without paying for water from water tankers, walking long distances, or boiling dirty water for drinking and cooking, which imposes health hazards. Having their water supply repaired will give the community members, residents, businesses, schools, universities and their students the dignity to complete their day to day tasks. Public bathrooms could be re-opened and give them the pride of being able to wash hands, bathe and keep their town clean. According to the United Nations, the people of Butterworth and surrounding areas have been fighting for years to access safe drinking water, a human right. (https://www.un.org/en/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/RES/64/292). For five years, their calls have gone unanswered, and it's now up to us - a global community who will not stand for injustice - to speak up. Sign this petition and add your voice to those of the vulnerable waterless communities of the Eastern Cape. Access to clean water is a constitutional right. Please sign this petition to protect your fundamental global human right. Additional Information : Picture source: Photo: Nombulelo Damba-Hendrik 2015 - 16 August 2016 | By Nombulelo Damba-Hendrik https://www.groundup.org.za/article/taps-run-dry-drought-stricken-butterworth/ 2019 –14 November 2019 | By Nombulelo Damba-Hendrik https://www.groundup.org.za/article/dams-empty-eastern-cape/ MEDIA STATEMENT DWS rolls up its sleeves to bring permanent solutions to Butterworth water challenges 05 August 2021 >>> https://bit.ly/3AP8nFE
    154 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Siwa Piwe
  • Kya Sands Burning Wasteland
    We have the constitutional right to clean air and water in South Africa. Municipal bylaws and Environmental Acts must be enforced. Criminals get away with poisoning the air and poluting our scarce water resources and it is time that the authorities and communities stand up and say enough is enough. If we dont do something now our future generations will have no-one but this generation to blame and we do not stand for that. Stand with us.
    829 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Steven Swanepoel
  • STOP the ECOCIDE of the uMbilo River
    The uMbilo River is a river system in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, located in eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality. The river rises in Kloof to the west of the city of Durban and the mouth of the river is situated in Durban harbour(1) (2). Due to the ongoing uMbilo River pollution and frustration of the lack of appropriate response or results by the Municipality in addressing the river pollution issues the community members and residents galvanised to form the "Umbilo River Watch" group to monitor and report the river pollution incidents - sewerage leaks/spills in the Pinetown/Queensburgh area and chemicals being released into the river from around Westmead region(3)(4). The numerous reports that were compiled and submitted by the community and ward councillors to the relevant authorities, did not get adequate feedback nor the appropriate progress report on addressing the river pollution issues. The community members took it on themselves to take numerous samples from the river that was sent to the lab for water quality testing. Since then the Durban Mayor Mxolisi Kaunda, visited the uMbilo wastewater treatment plant and ordered city officials to fast track maintenance work in the plant (5) - effluent of which discharges into the river system (6). The uMbilo river system course and river tributaries flows through several communities and informal settlements of which the pollution of the river system has serious environmental and human health issues for community members. The river canals into the Durban port at Bayhead through Maydon Wharf, the site is listed as a Natural Heritage site a 20ha nature reserve of mangrove forest and coastal grassland within the industrial area of Durban Bay, South Africa. The reserve is a remnant of what was once the largest mangrove swamp in the province (7). Reports of the canal pollution have been reported (8). Yours sincerely, The Durban Greenpeace Volunteers, the Umbilo River Watch community group, and the concerned citizens who have added their signatures. Ref:(1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umbilo_River (2) http://za.geoview.info/umbilo_river (3) https://www.iol.co.za/mercury/news/look-residents-concerned-at-umbilos-rainbow-river (4) https://www.iol.co.za/sunday-tribune/pinetown-residents-frustrated-as-polluted-umbilo-river-turns-unnatural-blue-colour (5) https://www.iol.co.za/dailynews/news/kwazulu-natal/durban-mayor-steps-in-after-residents-raise-a-stink-about-umbilo-waste-water-works-pollution (6) http://www.durban.gov.za/Resource_Centre/Press_Releases/Pages/Public-Notice_Residents-Urged-not-to-Use-Water-From-Umbilo-River.aspx (7) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayhead_Natural_Heritage_Site (8) https://southlandssun.co.za/154085/bra-demands-answers-over-polluted-canal/ Footnotes *The Umbilo River Watch was set up under the Pinetown Conservancy (formerly uThekwane Conservancy) and has an active Whatsapp group whose members report on pollution in the river. *Ecocide is the extensive damage to, destruction of or loss of ecosystem(s) of a given territory, whether by human agency or by other causes, to such an extent that peaceful enjoyment by the inhabitants of that territory has been or will be severely diminished. *The River Eco-status Monitoring Programme (REMP) evolved from the River Health Programme (RHP). The REMP replaced the RHP in 2016 and is a component of the National Aquatic Ecosystem Health Monitoring Programme (NAEHMP). http://www.dwa.gov.za/iwqs/rhp/default.aspx
    9,417 of 10,000 Signatures
    Created by Delwyn Pillay Picture