Brick-making company; Corobrik is currently threatening the sustainability and safety of this Pretoria paradise by submitting their application for the mining of coal in the area. Corobrik are opportunists, jumping on the coal mining bandwagon since the demand for clay bricks is dwindling in favour of Cement bricks. The mining of coal in the Rietvlei Area will have a disastrous impact on the environment and can cause irreparable damage. Coal mining, being a fossil fuel, has been proven to elevate carbon dioxide emissions thus fueling climate change causing “Extreme weather events in the form of drought, floods and wildfires that increasingly pose a risk to the health, well-being and safety of people.” (- President Cyril Ramaphosa, SoNA, 9 February 2023, Cape Town City Hall.) Apart from the global impact of Climate change, coal mining also causes air, water, and soil pollution caused by the release of Sulphur dioxide in the air, acidifying the water and releasing heavy metals into the soil. The effects of coal mining pollution are clear in arid landscapes which once were lush and green with natural life and especially experienced daily by local communities through increased noise levels, respiratory health issues caused by black dust, and even the cracking and damaging of buildings. As human beings it is our responsibility to protect animals. This harmonious relationship will most certainly be threatened with an increased risk of Poaching. In the past, Rietvlei had 4 lions of which all 4 were poached and killed. Poaching will become a bigger risk to the Reserve as the lack of employment opportunities at the mine can resort to criminal activities to sustain communities. While the north is moving away from coal, Corobrik is racing towards coal mining. We must stand together to protect Rietvlei Nature Reserve, keeping the wildlife and eco system thereof safe and say NO to Corobrik and their coal mining!
    3,266 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Jean-Marie De Vos Mentz
    Yala swamp plays a crucial role in ensuring food security for the Yimbo and Alego communities by providing a source of locally grown food items. This also ensures that these communities achieve food sovereignty. Moreover, the income generated from sustainable agricultural activities will stimulate trade, and support small businesses along the agricultural value chain. This will help sustain the livelihoods of many families, and in turn improve the overall economic well-being of the communities. The Yala Swamp campaign started in 2003 and up to date, NOTHING has been done. The County government has proven to lack information and understanding of the benefits that Yala Swamp can generate to the residents of Yala and Alego. We believe that NLC is a conduit used by the government of Siaya to deny communities of their land rights. They are corrupt in dealing with communities with intention to thwart their efforts which has lasted more than 3 decades. Sources: https://www.the-star.co.ke/counties/nyanza/2022-01-21-battle-lines-drawn-in-yala-swamp-land-case/ https://www.the-star.co.ke/counties/nyanza/2021-11-14-nlc-blow-as-court-stops-yala-swamp-land-allocation-to-lake-agro-limited/ https://www.the-star.co.ke/news/2021-10-31-nature-lovers-reject-nlcs-bid-to-allocate-land-in-yala-swamp-to-developer/ https://pulitzercenter.org/stories/yala-swamp-saga-broken-promises-idle-land https://landmatrix.org/media/uploads/mdcafricaorgdocumentsrejectreject_050pdf.pdf https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/nlc-has-duty-protect-yala-swamp-paul-matiku/?trackingId=vDXisXy73OvECjaNCIaZBw%3D%3D Photo credit
    214 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Rogers Ochieng
  • HANDS OFF OUR FORESTS! Don’t lift the ban on logging public & community forests in Kenya
    Forests offer important benefits that are crucial to our planet’s survival through; purifying the air we breathe, providing water catchment areas to prevent erosion and providing a buffer to extreme climate change. In Kenya, our forests are home to rare and endangered species such as the mountain bongo, the African forest elephant, and the black rhino. Our forests are also vital for the livelihoods of millions of local communities dependent on them for food and medicine. Kenya is one of many African governments giving the green light to the cutting down of forests in Africa; from clearing the Congo Basin Rainforest for development of oil blocks, to illegal distribution of permits and exportation of timber in Mali. We must bring an end to the constriction of the lungs of Africa, our forests. We cannot stand by and let this happen. We must urge the Kenyan government to stop the lifting of the ban on logging. Sign the petition and join me in sending a strong stance to Soipan Tuya, the Cabinet Secretary, Environment, Climate Change & Forestry that we will not stand by and watch as our forests get destroyed! Source: https://www.the-star.co.ke/news/realtime/2023-04-16-government-to-harvest-mature-trees-from-july-says-ps-kimani/ Kenyan governments lifts moratorium on logging forests https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Two-baobab-A-digitata-trees-in-a-sisal-field-in-Kilifi-Kenya-showing-differences-in_fig5_290448251 Baobab Native to Africa https://kenyanwallstreet.com/government-approves-export-of-baobab-trees/ Kenyan government approves export of Baobab http://kenyalaw.org/kl/fileadmin/pdfdownloads/Acts/2016/No._34_of_2016.pdf Forest Act 2016 https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/national/article/2001447088/kenya-makes-strides-in-tree-and-forest-cover Kenya surpasses minimum forest cover https://us.eia.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/EIA_US_Mali_Timber_report_0422_FINAL.pdf illegal exportation of timber in Mali https://www.theeastafrican.co.ke/tea/business/congo-auctions-30-oil-blocks-amid-environmentalists-warning-3895480 Auctioning off oil blocks in DRC https://www.citizen.digital/news/government-bans-logging-191860 Kenya bans logging of forests https://www.the-star.co.ke/news/2023-04-07-state-targets-to-plant-60-million-trees-this-rainy-season/ Kenya target 15 billion trees by 2032
    11,436 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Tracy Makheti
  • Hands off Antarctica
    Karpinsky uses seismic technology scientifically proven to disrupt the intrinsic behaviour of marine animals such as whales and dolphins. This can lead to hearing loss, organ rupture, and mass strandings. It also kills plankton, the basis of the food chain upon which all marine life depends. Beyond seismic blasting’s immediate harm to marine life lies an even more sinister threat. In February 2020, Russian state-owned company Rosgeo announced that the Karpinsky, during an expedition to the Antarctic continental shelf, discovered 70 billion tons (500 billion barrels) of potential oil and gas resources under the Southern Ocean. This is equivalent to 15 years of world oil consumption. There is no plausible reason for building this detailed hydrocarbon inventory other than that Russia hopes to begin producing these oil or gas resources at some point in the future. The International Energy Agency (IEA) has concluded that fossil fuel exploration must end if we remain below the 2°C limit and prevent catastrophic climate change. Climate change is the defining crisis of our time, and no region of the world can escape its devastating consequences. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has called the continued exploitation of fossil fuels "moral and economic insanity". South Africa is one of 29 countries - and the only African country - with decision-making powers under the Antarctic Treaty System (“ATS”). As such, it is the only African country that can ensure that common sense prevails in the interests of Africa. Your support is highly appreciated, with thanks from Greenpeace Africa Cape Town volunteers, Green Connection, Oceans Not Oil and Extinction Rebellion #ProtectAntarctica #HandsOffAntarctica Sources: Letter of demand >>> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MGAaYP2mEVLupCUR66z-1ELoOte3IYAJ/view?usp=sharing 2022 Government Gazette >>> https://www.gov.za/sites/default/files/gcis_document/202202/45903gon1751.pdf EWN >> https://ewn.co.za/2023/01/26/no-to-seismic-surveys-greenpeace-against-russian-polar-vessel-arrival IOL >> https://www.iol.co.za/capeargus/news/arrival-of-russian-seismic-research-ship-sparks-protest-in-cape-town-ddd3d9b8-f953-4c5e-90ec-df30bbc7e84a Image >> https://www.facebook.com/CapeArgus/?tn-str=k%2AF
    210 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Elaine Mills
  • Stop Ecocide
    - Our objective is to assess and understand the social landscape essential to creating a larger social movement that will bring about large-scale changes needed to achieve our restoration goals. All of these are the result of bad governance that makes it had to assess the relevant institutional policy and legal framework and identify financial and technical resources to proctect forests and river ecosystems. - Our climate is deteriorating, and deforestation is happening daily due to government inaction.and this has serious ramifications to the improverished community. Sources: Stop Ecocide International >>> https://www.stopecocide.earth/new-breaking-news-summary/un-ocean-conference-co-host-kenya-announces-proposal-to-criminalise-ecocide Image >>> https://www.voanews.com/a/africa_kenyans-join-climate-change-protests/6176168.html
    164 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Antony njugi Muikamba Picture
  • Clean Earth, better health
    The entire country is littered up; hence the work that needs to be done is so much. My campaign requires a group of scientists to design a substance that will emulsify the waste and provide a lasting solution. Once we clean, we will need a system like bins to be exposed appropriately. So we need a huge team of scientists to educate Kenyans and control littering. Another team of gatherers and tree planters also campaigned to have people utilize these areas to provide food. Most importantly, we need funds. Source: Jacob Olonde >>> https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/kenya-its-environment-jacob-olonde
    322 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Cynthia Olango
  • Stop aux inondations causées par les déchets plastiques à Douala(Banya)
    Les effets causés par la pollution plastiques sont perceptibles de diverses façons dans le quartier Mbanya. -En effet, une fois les pluies déversées, les déchets plastiques présent dans les drains bloquent les canaux d’évacuations empêchant ainsi la circulation normale de l’eau. Par conséquent l’eau déborde les drains et entre dans les maisons des habitants du village Mbanya entrainant ainsi la destruction des biens matériels. -Les déchets issus de ces inondations souillent les sources d’eaux des habitants de Mbanya et cause les maladies hydriques dans le quartier comme le choléra, la fièvre typhoïde, la diarrhée… surtout les enfants. -La présence des déchets plastique pollue l’environnement et Tous les animaux aquatiques dans la petit ruisseau. Sa donne une mauvaise image du village en changeant son esthétique. Ce phénomène entraine la destruction des maisons faisant des habitants des personnes sans-abris, sans domicile fixe. Nous vous prions de vous joindre à nous en signant cette pétition pour redonner le sourire aux habitants de Mbanya. Et Stop a l'usage unique des plastiques.
    462 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Diesel NJOUME
  • Stop illegal sand harvesting in Mai Mahiu Kenya
    - The Mai Mahiu area is made of loose sand, and some fault lines exist. If the problem isn't solved, the sand will keep eroding, affecting a few fault lines that end up causing more gullies. This is affecting people's land and eating the ground away. Also, the lorries used to harvest the sand are destroying the roads in the area, causing dust to affect vulnerable people living there, such as children and older people.
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Antony Otieno
  • Unfulfilled promises endanger hundreds of lives with E. Coli
    Rivers provide water for irrigation, domestic use, industrial use, livestock and wildlife, among other services; without water, there is no life. Clean river water is critical for our survival, sustenance, and a small economy-generating source, especially in South Africa, where job scarcity is a reality. Many informal traders or fisherfolk use our rivers to generate an income by either fishing, watering community vegetable gardens, stone washing or basket weaving from reeds etc. Rivers or dams are also used for recreational purposes and tourism attractions. Over the past two decades, our government has failed to maintain basic infrastructure or apply fundamental bylaws to ensure our freshwater sources remain clean and free from pollution and sewerage. If we don't demand that our government make access to clean water a priority, a fundamental human right, which basic human right will be the next to be degraded, or we also become another death statistic caused by E. Coli infested drinking water??.. Thank you for your support, On behalf of GPAF Durban Volunteers. Sources: MSN >>> https://www.msn.com/en-za/news/other/durban-mother-dead-scores-sick-with-diarrhoea-as-polluted-tap-water-confirmed/ar-AA10UoZM?ocid=Huawei&appid=hwbrowser&ctype=news Daily Maverick >>> https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2022-08-22-durbans-r20bn-water-troubles-get-deeper-and-deeper-and-theres-no-easy-solution-in-sight/
    7,995 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Desiree Laverne
  • Ban All Seismic Survey On SA Coastlines
    - We urge fellow South Africans to unite, help us protect and call on a permanent "BAN" of all seismic explorations on South Africa's coastline. Stop Minister Mantashe and the oil & gas giants from trapping South Africa in the future of harmful non-progressive fossil fuels. - It is a big concern that some areas targeted as blasting spots are among the most extensive, pristine marine environment in South African waters, and include significant and diverse marine habitats that protect endangered species (Coelacanths, Natal shy sharks, African penguin) and are essential environmental services. - The promise of job creation is a fairytale, there are no jobs, and the available jobs are for highly skilled rig operators and workers. - Small-scale fishers whose livelihoods depend on the oceans will be left without their means to make a living. - We need to break free from harmful oil and gas dependency and speed up a just transition to renewable energy. Renewable sources are cost-effective and safe for the environment. - Studies have shown that renewable energy can create about 231 400 jobs up to 2030, which beats the current 120,000 jobs the fossil fuels industry provides for South Africans. Sources: - Photo: David McNew/Getty Images - Mail & Guardian Article >>> https://mg.co.za/opinion/2021-09-01-renewable-energy-can-create-about-231-400-jobs-up-to-2030/ - amaBhungane Article >>>> https://amabhungane.org/stories/220528-the-case-for-gas-is-evaporating/ - Meridian Economics Report >>>> https://meridianeconomics.co.za/our-publications/hot-air-about-gas-an-economic-analysis-of-the-scope-and-role-for-gas-fired-power-generation-in-south-africa/ - Datafree Article >>> https://slrpublicdocs.datafree.co/en/public-documents/TEEPSA-567 - Petroleum Agency SA >>>> https://www.petroleumagencysa.com/index.php/maps
    125 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Greenpeace Africa SA volunteers
  • ENGEN SA, give us back our basic Human Right, the right to a healthy environment
    South African President Cyril Ramaphosa released the latest national climate commitment under the Paris Agreement in Nov 2021. South Africa intends to limit GHG emissions to 398-510 MtCO2e by 2025 and 350-420 MtCO2e by 2030. SA’s commitment shifts SA closer to what is needed globally for us to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. This is generally considered an unsatisfactory offer since the 500 megatonnes currently emitted puts South Africa as the third highest emitter per person per unit of GDP. A much more serious commitment to ending South Africa's addiction to fossil fuels is required. Mr Phuthuma Nhleko, Engen's local Black Economic Empowerment tycoon and President Cyril Ramaphosa's leading business partner (and purchaser of Shanduka empire assets in 2016) – consistently alienated communities that he should be empowering: the black communities of Wentworth and Merebank. Instead, he continues to deprive the communities of the right to an environment that is not detrimental to their health or well-being. Nhleko and the Malaysian (Petronas) owners of Engen Petroleum want to turn the already toxic refinery into a storage facility for fuel and crude oil. Durban activists worry that the residential area will increase approximately 2000 hazardous fuel tankers into Wentworth and Merebank, passing schools, sports fields, hospitals or small family-owned businesses. Instead of a detox, Engen is planning a retoxification instead of detox by introducing far more dangerous chemicals to the area, including methane pollution, despite CH4 being 85 times more potent than a greenhouse gas (GHG). The South Durban communities suffered terribly in terms of health and environmental damage during the April 11-12 and May 21 Rain Bombs. They also dread the likelihood that leakages, pipe bursts and other accidents at fuel oil storage facilities will increase as more storms pound Durban due to climate change, whose primary cause is greenhouse gases such as those from refineries and oil storage sites. Moreover, in addition to health damage, the road infrastructure can also not cope with heavy hazardous tankers driving in and out of the residential area. Mr Nhleko, we ask you to stop trying to kill the communities you are supposed to be empowering. Your toxic fumes from the Engen refinery have been disempowering the black communities for decades. These are breadwinners who are often too sick to go to work, lose their jobs, and suffer the cycle of poverty and hopelessness. You are already a billionaire. For once, choose the community over profit. Do the right thing for the communities you claim to empower in the South Durban Basin area. Compel your majority partner in Kuala Lumpur to decommission the Engen serial-killer refinery and fuel storage facility. Instead, detox the refinery complex and heed the community demands for a just transition, thereby giving hope for a healthier and more productive future for all South Africans and giving the environment a chance to recover after decades of pollution abuse. - Photo Source >>>> Alfonce Martins
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Desiree Laverne
  • SOS Casamance: Forêts et biodiversité en danger !
    - Les reserves de forêts classées sont menacées par la coupe abusive et illégale de bois - L'habitat naturelle de certains espèces est menacé (on ne trouve plus comme avant des hippopotames, des crocodiles et des biches) - La perte d'espaces forestières nous expose au changement climatique - La biodiversité est menacée - L'identité et l'héritage culturel des peuples de la forêt sont menacés
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cheikh Bamba Ndao